Sunday, September 21, 2008

Time for a new post, almost a year after I started this blog. Lots happening. Have had a manic weekend (aren't they all?). Got a new computer Thursday and was so delighted with it that I stayed up til 3 in the morning setting everything up. It's FAST and so powerful. And the screen is big at 20" yay.

So woke up at 7:30 thinking I'd get a nap on Friday (took a vacation day, bless the flexibility of my job), but didn't I find myself back at the computer setting up music and photos and programs and bookmarks and all the fun stuff I don't get to do at work. What a pleasure. (Not that work isn't--it's just different.)

Wouldn't you think I'd be tired by Saturday? No nap--but woke up Saturday morning with a burning desire to paint the spare room after the youngest of our four teenagers moved out several months ago. We were waiting cause we weren't sure whether he was coming back or not, but he's happy where he is right now, and I'm tired of the worn-out half-empty room.

So went to Lowe's (I swear we keep them in business) and bought paint and roller fuzzies and trays and stir sticks (didn't get the tape and wish I had) and a gorgeous creme color, some dark gray primer and some glorious red. I have wanted a red wall in my house since my hubby & I were courting and we painted one of his walls red. It's too fun, but let me tell you, even with the gray primer (HGTV tip) the red made me feel like a kid painting for the first time. That blasted red goes on like you're using glaze and the pigment doesn't spread evenly. The conversation I had with myself as I put on the first coat wasn't for delicate ears, but as I continued I began to believe it would come out all right with a second (or maybe third) coat. At least the shade of red is good--not too orange, not to blue, but stimulating.

I've discovered I'm about the sloppiest house painter in the world, which is surprising given that I love to paint watercolors and my style is very tight and controlled. Not so in the spare room--I was a half inch over in the corner with the red--how is this possible?! Never mind, I'll go over it. Decorated my jeans, my chest, my chin, and assorted other body parts too. However, the wood floor still looks good and that's a blessing.

About 4 today my head decided it had had enough of the fumes and decided to float off several feet above my shoulders so I figured I'd get away from the paint and do something else. Cleaned the bathroom and I'm sure the chemicals there helped to send my head even further out. Finally decided I can't finish all this in one weekend (where are my pizza buddies?) and went to sit on the porch and plan next weekend's second coat of RED. It's gonna be great.

With Torey in Argentina, Jess in Oregon, Trevor in Pittsburgh, and Alex footloose and fancy free about town, I don't know who I think is going to visit us to stay in the spare room, but we have twinkles in our eyes dreaming of grandchildren down the road a ways.

I'll post a photo when done--will be a bit longer than I thought, aren't house projects always that way? Multiply the cost and the time by four and you're about right....Now what will we do with the kitchen? I can't even think about that yet, still only a twinkle....

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